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Newsletter V3 Category and user import

Thaw Htun Lynn


We are working on the Newsletter V3 module to import the batch of users csv files based on their language. For this, i believe we have to create newsletter categories for each user language and import the user records.

1. I tried to create the newsletter category but it only can be found under usermanagement groups. I can't find the record under the newsletter category.

2. I tried to import the record using the "Import/Export recipient" button on All recipient page but only the error page come out as per the attached screenshot.

3. I need to create different templates for different group of recipients. I haven't tested this step yet as i am stuck with the first 2 steps.

Kindly help us make the newsletter version working as If it is working, we are going to drop the current email marketing software which is used to send newsletters for our batch of users currently.

Best regards,




Thaw Htun Lynn


Any suggestion regarding the newsletter V3 module or please advise the alternative if we can handle the user's requirement in DW. Thanks.



Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

I can see you are using the WRAP solution and it is not born with Newsletterv3 as it is deprecated (and hence the tables is not in the database). You should use Email marketing which is new and based on user management.


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