We are trying to filter an item publisher list with a filter containing multiple values and it does not work ok. I am only getting items with a single value
- http://rowlf.dw-demo.com/choral/browse-by-composer - this should give me 3 results
- If I deactivate the filter in the paragraph and pass it as a query paramenter (with wildcards) I get my results http://rowlf.dw-demo.com/choral/browse-by-composer?Categories_composed_for=*Choral*
- Another odd thing is If I do not deactivate the filter in the paragraph and request http://rowlf.dw-demo.com/choral/browse-by-composer?Categories_composed_for=*Choral* (same URL as in point 2.), the module does not consider the wildcards
It seems like a bug. Can anyone take a look?
Best Regards,
Nuno Aguiar