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Item Relation List

Jesse Bakker


We got an item type with an Item Relation List. 

The page based on this item type has multiple languages. When an item is added to the relation list on one language it's also copied to all other languages. But we want it to be language specific.

First it looked like it was caused by the bug below (17281, fixed in but after an updated to the problem still exists. 

Is it still possible to have different lists on other languages?


Jesse Bakker


Bug: 17281 
Area: Content - Items
Title: Copying a page with a item relation list, and adding new items to the relation list on the copy, the new items in the relation list also appears on the original
Description: Fixed an issue when copying an item relation list. 


Oleg Rodionov

Hi Jesse,

I've just tested TFS 17281 on solution based on last 861 and 87 will be released soon. I see that the bug is not reproduced. Actually, the bug describes another issue not related to language version of related item list. Now it's not implemented to have specific data in languages, all data is fully translated between master and its languages. Probably, it should be discussed and will be fixed on a further release. 

BR, Oleg QA


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