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Auto-login link in user info email

Adrian Ursu

Hi Guys,

I want to add a auto-login link in the User Info email after creating the user with Data integration.

The link is supposed to give the user easy acces to edit the automatically generated password.

I know there is a URL param eter that is used for that pwtoken that should use a value generated with User.LoginToken tag.

However, I don't seem to be able to access that tag in the email template.

I have not found any trace of this tag in the manual, template nor API.

Please enlighten me.





Line Lofquist

Hi Adrian,

On this page:

You find an example on how to do this: 

Create the link adding:?Username={{Email:User.UserName}}&PwToken={{Email:User.LoginToken}} to the URL.

I hope this solves your problems!

Kind Regards,



Adrian Ursu

Hello Line,

Thanks a lot for the info. We have used that before. My question was related to the email sent from User account. The one with the user details.

Thise tags are not available there.

And the reason we need this is related to the way the users are created. Via Data Integration. And we need to send an automatic email to those users that have been created with a Data Integration Job and allow them to edit their password immediately.



Line Lofquist

Hi Adrian,

Sorry for misunderstanding.

What you want, you cannot do, I will create a feature request for adding a logintoken to the templatetags, as this is all thats missing.

You can create the URL sending the password directly in the URL - but this is not a safe way to do this.

Kind Regards,


Adrian Ursu

Thank you Line.



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