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Unsubscribing e-mail marketing on all in one with multiple companies

Per Søgaard

I have customers with different companies on the same solution and with each of them having their own newsletter i e-mail marketing.

When unsubscribing for one newsletter via the link in the newsletter (my tag or generated automatically) they are unsubscribed for all companies.

How can this be avoided so they can keep subscribed to the others and only unsubcribe one?


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

That is not possible. Unless they have a user for each company. If it the same user, the user will be unsubscribed.

Per Søgaard

But in All in one the idea is to have different websites. And share e-mail marketing module. There should be a way to make it work....

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Per

Yes, but they also shares users. One user in one system.

If a user says no to emails, it means no. You can create a user group for each company, and send emails to users in that group. Then you can make a "Change subscription" page where the user change which emails (user groups) they want to subscribe to using the user management module.

BR Nicolai

Per Søgaard

But what about the unsucbribe in the e-mail that is generated automatically - can i disable that and link to the subscription page instead.

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Per

Yes, you can add your own unsubscribe link. If you do that, DW will not add its own.


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Per

I have been telling you something wrong in this matter.

It is possible to control what happens on the unsubscribe link - see attachment. You can set this up on the email it self, or as a default setting on each email marketing folder.

BR Nicolai

Per Søgaard

Thx! I found it my self and is just what I needed. Must be part of a new version since i did not see it before ? (or I was temporarily blind... ;-) )


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