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Using Email Marketing Smart Search without a real "User"

Morten S. Hvid

Is it possible to use the Email Marketing without having the visitor to create "real" user profiles through the user management?

I have a group of users created as NL subscribers. 20% of these users has made a purchase on the website (without a "real" user).

But I'm not able to use the smart search to find any of these users through the smart search. Looks like the join requires accessuserid to be set on the order:

SELECT * FROM AccessUser WHERE AccessUserID IN (SELECT AccessUser.AccessUserID FROM AccessUser left outer join (EcomOrders as _pseudo_ecommerce_bought_productEcomOrders join EcomOrderLines as _pseudo_ecommerce_bought_productEcomOrderLines on _pseudo_ecommerce_bought_productEcomOrderLines.OrderLineOrderID = _pseudo_ecommerce_bought_productEcomOrders.OrderID) on _pseudo_ecommerce_bought_productEcomOrders.OrderCustomerAccessUserID = AccessUser.AccessUserID WHERE AccessUserType IN (1,3,4,5,15) AND ((_pseudo_ecommerce_bought_productEcomOrderLines.OrderLineProductID in (...)

I'm assuming that the above could be fixed by adding the AccessUserID from the NL subscribers to the order mached on the email. But what about visits to the website in generel. Will the tracking require a "real" user profile to be logged in?

And: Is it required to enabled generel tracking to make the OMC work? (Global Settings: DisablePageStatistics, DisableStatistics)

This would be a really nice feature to be able to use the OMC without requiring users to create a login on the website.

FYI: The website is running on DW Business version

BTW: Talked to both the support and the sales at DW without getting any answers.


Kristian Kirkholt

Hi Morten

To track the NL subscribers that has made a purchase on the website, you could change the checkout flow in the template Information step to create user during checkout.


This way information is storred if customer returns to site. Unfortunately, it is not possible to track "unknown" user at the moment with SmartSearch.

Kind Regards
Dynamicweb Support
Kristian Kirkholt


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