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Perfion API & DW 8.6 System.Reflection error

Kim Søjborg Pedersen

When I add the dll's from the official Perfion API to DW's bin folder and clik on "Management Center" we get the yellow screen of death (See Attachments)


Install a 8.6.x.x add the offical perfion api dll's to your web bin folder and click on "Management Center"

I tryed with version and version 

With version you don't have the problem.



Oleg Rodionov


Please, submit new request against the issue to DW support service.

BR, Oleg QA 

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Kim

If you look at the exception, it says exactly what is wrong. It cannot load the assembly it mentions. Probably because your custom solution (or some other assembly that you have added) contains a reference to that assembly, and it does not exist.

8.6 has MEF added - and that will try to load types that you have referenced - like this one, and it is not there. So it is MEF from Microsoft that raises the exception.

BR Nicolai

Kim Søjborg Pedersen

Hi Nicolai,
Yes the error message is pretty clear and we are 100% aware of what happens, but thats the way Perfion has builded the API. 

I'm looking for a solution and I see 2 ways:

1: DW make a change so we can use the Persion API assembly?

2: We will ask Perfion to se if they can change the API (we are already in contact with them, but we don't found a soultion yet)



Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

They should definitely not have a reference to an assembly not used... That is an error. Or they could provide you with the assembly in spe.

Alternative would be us try catching MEF and gaining a performance hit...

Kim Søjborg Pedersen

Hi, just an update on this.

Perfion API is not MEF compatible but we got a workaround so we can use the API on DW 8.6

Kim Søjborg Pedersen

you are right about that, but It is DevExpress that reference to assembly not used..


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