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Release Management DW versions

Tom Kamphuis

Hi guys,

Recently I started working on a new project and wondered which build I should use for this new Dynamicweb based project. I asked around and got the answer that I shouldn't use the stable version from the developer portal but instead use the latest version from the developer portal. Normally I wouldn't advocate for this approach, but my colleagues were able to convince me based on the following arguments:

  • Stable is somewhat stable but we can't really say that the latest stable version is more stable than the latest version. We don't feel that that's our experience with the different versions.
  • Everytime we have some bug in the stable (or older) version we get the answer from support that we should update to the latest version before investigating the issue. This makes us feel that it doesn't really matter what we do but instead should just install the latest version.

I'm aware that a lot is based on feelings, but I guess it's not all feelings. My look on software is that we need the stable release in which we are confident to say to our customers; 'Hey, you can't go wrong with this product!' while the latest version gives you access to all the nice features although there is a possibility regarding bugs. 

What's the process Dynamicweb uses for release management? Why do we have the feeling we can't use the latest stable version? And why should we always update to the latest version before support starts to investigate an issue? And are we the only ones with these problems or do other partners share the same problems?



Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Tom

We are aware of the naming of these things are confusing. And that is why the naming of the releases will be changed shortly.

Latest stable is simply the release that we automatically rolls out to all solutions configured for being subscribed to "Latest stable" We roll out a new one once or twice a year. Latest version is being rolled out much more often, and some customers subscribe to that version. It is more a choice of "If it aint broken, do not fix it" approach and "Give me all the new stuff and remove known bugs" approach.

For any new project, you should always go with latest version. No reason not to - they are equally stable.

When going live with a huge Ecommerce project, you would not want it to be subscribed to either one - you would want to handle the update manually so things can be tested.

Hope this makes sense - new descriptions are on the way.

BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1
Tom Kamphuis

Ok Nicolai, thanks for the explanation!


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