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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Show users from subgroups in maps module

Show users from subgroups in maps module

Thomas Schroll


Does anybody know how to show users from subgroups of a selected group in the maps module? If I select a group in 'Location group' no users are shown in the map. If I select a group in the 'Users' only the members of the selected group are shown - not the users of the subgroups. I can't find the 'Show all groups' button as described in this thread:

I am on DW

Regards Thomas


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Thomas

Have a look at the definitions of users, groups and smart searches here: My guess is that you need to choose the groups in the user section - using the group selector icon (yellow folder).

The "Show all groups" is the "Show all locations" button in the default maps.html template.

BR Nicolai

Thomas Schroll

Thanks Nicolai. Not exactly what I was looking for though. I will try to manipulate data in the template instead.

Regards Thomas


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