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Tag in Forms module mail subject

Dan Avramescu



I am using the Forms module for a contact form. One of the fields in the form is the Name of the person sending the request.

Are there any tags that can be used to set the subject of the email sent like this: "New request from X" where X is the name the person wrote in the Name field?

I tried like this: but this tag is not rendered.





Anders Ebdrup

Hi Dan,


It is (as I see it) only possible by making your own FormSaveProvider, or upgrade to the new form module, where you can overwrite the subject of the mail, by having a hidden input field on your form and with some javascript create the dynamic subject.


Best regards, Anders

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Dan

It is not possible. But the new "forms for editors" in 8.6.1 supports this.

BR Nicolai

Dan Avramescu

Thanks! I'll check it out.


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