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Itempublisher Query string filtering : how to affect only certain paragraphs

Gaetan Di Caro


I want to write a page for displaying a person's details (person being an item type). For this I have created a named item list. Now this is fairly easy. But thing is, on this page I also need a paragraph displaying all the persons in the named list, to be able to aquickly switch to another one. For both these functions I use an itempublisher

However this causes problems : I have the itemId in the querystring in order to filter on which person I want to display, but this filter automatically applies to both my paragraphs/itempublishers, so the person list I want displayed above the details isn't a list anymore as it goes into details mode. I would like to be able to restrict the query string filter to the paragraphs I want. Is this possible ?


Thank you !


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Gaetan

If you add &PID={ParagraphID} to your querystring, you can control which of the 2 module instances that should react on your querystring.

BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1
Gaetan Di Caro

Awesome, thanks !


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