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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Forms for editors - templates?

Forms for editors - templates?

Martin Christensen


I'm looking to make use of the Forms for Editors module, and I can't figure out how to make or chose a template for it.

When I set it up I can choose Render-options; automatic or template. Is there a folder somewhere in which I should store these templates? The same question applies to Confirmation Templates. I assume that this is an ajax method to let the user know that the form has been sent - rather than redirecting them to another page.

All great options if I only knew how it worked :)
Maybe there's already been produced some documentation about this, all I could find was this page:

Thanks in advance!


Morten Bengtson

You can place the mouse cursor over any module template selector and then a tooltip will appear with the path to the template folder.

Martin Christensen

Thanks! Feels like that was a silly question then - I'm pretty new to DynamicWeb :)

Martin Christensen

So, are there any existing templates for this?

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Martin

Welcome to the forums and DW. Please find a set attached.

BR Nicolai

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen


Forms for Ediors uses "Automatic" templates - meaning it uses templates that we distribute with Dynamicweb itself instead of placing them in the /Templates folder. You cannot change these system templates, but you can shift to your own templates.

Martin Christensen

Thanks for the files! Some of the templates do not appear to be working, though. Is there a more recent set available? Couldn't find anything in the Downloads section. I realize that the templates can't be considered a finished product but rather its more like a gesture towards the users of the forum. But if you have an updated set, I'd like to give that a go!

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Martin

Attached the newest version released with 8.7 - make sure you also run 8.7 so you have all the template tags. I'm prettye sure they work :-).

If you encounter problems, please post with description of what is not working.

BR Nicolai

Michael Stigaard Sørensen

How can I output the confirmation text I have written the the module at the paragraph?

<!--@Submit.ReceiptTemplateText--> works in the html template but not in the cshtml template...


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

GetString("Submit.ReceiptTemplateText") in cshtml

Michael Stigaard Sørensen



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