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Forum » CMS - Standard features » RE: Publishing multiple item types in same list/flow, using item publisher

RE: Publishing multiple item types in same list/flow, using item publisher

Hans Ravnsfjall


I have a solution, containg 3 websites. All 3 websites have newsmodules, created using page items. On one of the websites, I want to publish news from all 3 websites.

But the problem is that I can only choose one itemtype in the Item publisher. Altough The item types are almost identical, they are not the same - because I want to publish the parent company name in the list. So they are Identical bar of one field, that has a different value - but it is the same field.

Just like in the old days width the old news module, where it was possible to publish the newsnroup name in a newslist, so you could publish news from many newscategories.


How should i solve this differently? In case someone from Dynamicweb want´s to login and look at the setup,

the item types are the 3 different Item Tupes, named Tíðindi BVS, Tíðindi KF, Tíðindi KAF




Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Hans

To do this, you should use etiher the same item for all 3 sites (that would be like using the news module) or use item inheritance. You would create a news item and create subitems with additional fields

  • News item type
    • News item type #2 with an additional field
    • News item type #3 with an additional field
    • News item type #4 with an additional field

Then the item publisher can publish the top type and use the fields...

See inheritance here:

Hans Ravnsfjall

Hi Nicolai


don´t know if i understood you correctly, but I cant seem to publish the top type, and get it to show inherited types with additional fields.


That would however be just what I am looking for, if it only worked.


Or is there some setting or version issue that I am not aware of?

regards Hans

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Hans

It is a 8.6.1 feature.

BR Nicolai


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