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Thomas Schroll


In my search template I can hide some filters not used (using Ecom:Filters.HasNonEmptyOptions), but when I use a range filter, I cannot do that. If I wish to use the eCom navigation, I need all filters in one group (or activate all filter groups). If I wish to deactivate a particular filter on one group, the only option, as far as I know, is to change the visibility of all the other groups on a group in eCom. That is fine, but if I also have a lot of subgroups it becomes tedious to change the visibility. Is it possible to let the subgroups inherit the visibility settings from the parent group?

Regards Thomas


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Thomas

Facets in the newly released search module for ecommerce, handles facets a bt differently. You do not set visibility at all - but it simply only returns facets available for the (search) context of the catalog.

Since we have introduced a new module, we will not make new features on the current on but focus on adding features to the new.

BR Nicolai

Thomas Schroll

Hi Nicolai

Oh, I didn't know there was a new module. Where can I learn more?

Regards Thomas

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Thomas

Was on #dwtc15, in webinars, newsletters and more :-).

If you can, you should attend the upcoming community meeting on the subject:

It is available in the latest release found in the download section. A new node in MC called repositories.

Thomas Schroll

Hi Nicolai

That's weird. I haven't seen anything. I will probably not be able to attend the community meeting. Is there any other documentation?

Regards Thomas