Hi all,
After upgrading a solution from DW 7 to DW 8, the weighted search doesn't seem to be working.
I have followed the installation guide (http://developer.dynamicweb.com/Admin/Public/DWSDownload.aspx?File=Files%2fFiler%2fDocumentation%2fInstallation%2f(en-US)+Installation+Guide%2c+Dynamicweb+8+on+IIS+7.pdf) by installing the Indexing Service, together with the Adobe iFilter 6.0. (on Windows 2008R2).
I created a catalog and I see this catalog being populated. Older Windows versions provided a Query tool for the indexing service, but it's not there any more.
The option "Search (Weighted)" is greyed out in the Modules section in the backend. Is this normal?
Can anyone enlighten me what's wrong here?