Posted on 17/04/2015 12:04:01
It can be done as it is to day
Locate you editor config-files in /Files/System/Editor/ckeditor/config
in one of the config files add the fellowing:
config.templates_files = ['/Files/System/Editor/ckeditor/templates/MyTemplates.js'];
config.templates = 'myTemplates';
add a new folder to /Files/System/Editor/ckeditor/ called MyTemplates.js
in this file add something like
CKEDITOR.addTemplates("myTemplates", {
imagesPath: CKEDITOR.getUrl("/Files/System/Editor/ckeditor/templates/images/"), templates:
title: "Image and Title", image: "template1.gif", description: "One main image with a title and text that surround the image.",
html: '<h3><img style="margin-right: 10px" height="100" width="100" align="left"/>Type the title here</h3><p>Type the text here</p>'
title: "Colored link box", image: "template4.gif", description: "Edit link and text",
html: '<ul class="editor-inline-link-box"><li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-caret-right "> </i>Link_text</a></li></ul>'
Now you can make all the templates you desire :)