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Paragraph Permissions

Adrian Ursu

Hi Guys,

I need to display a paragraph for all visitors (anonymus or registered) except for registered users that are part of a certain group (or Groups).

In theory it looked simple. Set Permissions on module, set All users to allow and the other groups Deny.

For some reason this type of approach does not work. I am using but also tried in and with the same outcome.

Any ideeas? Am I doing something wrong?



Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Adrian

That is not possible.

The only way to do that, would be in your template to make a conditional that would not render the content if the user is logged in:

<!--@If Defined(Global:Extranet.UserName)-->

Adrian Ursu

Hi Nicolai,

This is the actual solution we ended up using.

But don't you find this "feature" a bit misleading? I would prefer to have to possibility to let the admin use the permissions in an intuitive way and avoid hardcoding the templates for each group rule. 



Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Yes of course.

But when we developed permissions, we did not think of that scenario - you do not have access if you login. But as an unkown user you have....

In assortments we have introduced a virtual "Anonymous" group that visitors are member of if they are not logged in - and if you login you can only see a limited set of products. I guess that would be something similar we should introduce on permissions.

BR Nicolai

Adrian Ursu

I have seen that one. Very nice to see a feature request coming to life :)

Yes, I guess that would do the trick and it might be helpful in other cases as well.


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