I run into some issues with the build in item type destination provider. The items are created as expected that is working perfectly, however the pages that are created are the problem. When i rerun the job new pages are created and the old pages are left in a non editable state (item type itself is unlinked).
Enabeling the options to remove unpressent data result in this error:
Job Failed with the following message: Failed to remove associated rows from Table [dbo.Area] that where not present in items source. Exception message: Invalid object name 'dbo.AreaTempTableForBulkImport'. Sql query: update [dbo].[Area] set [dbo].[Area].[AreaItemId] = '', [dbo].[Area].[AreaItemType] = '' where not exists (select * from [dbo].[AreaTempTableForBulkImport] where [dbo].[Area].[AreaItemId] = [dbo].[AreaTempTableForBulkImport].[AreaItemId] and [dbo].[Area].[AreaItemType] = [dbo].[Area].[AreaItemType]) and [dbo].[Area].[AreaItemId] <> '' and [dbo].[Area].[AreaItemType] <> ''
Only selecting the option to remove pages and paragraph does not make a difference. No error message, but also duplicated pages.
But at first it is strange that new pages are created while they are only updated. The specified ID field is filled with the id from the source an selected in the integration module as key.
The item types themselfs are updated as expected.
Kind regards,
Sorry for the empty post earlier.... somehow I managed to accidentially submit the page :(