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User smartsearch and recurring newsletters

Rene Poulsen


Our customer is creating a new campaign where users can sign up for a specific newsletter. We want to send out 3 mails with 10 days between the mails.

I've created 3 smartsearches to find the users for Mail 1, Mail 2 and Mail 3. All of the smartsearches has filters for the specific newsletter group + allow email.

The first one has these three extra filters:

  • Afsendt email (Email sent?) - not equal to - mail 1
  • Email sent - not equal to - mail 2
  • Email sent - not equal to - mail 3

The second one has these extra filters:

  • Email sent - equal to - mail 1
  • Email sent time - equal to - @Code(DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-25))
  • Email sent - not equal to - mail 2
  • Email sent - not equal to - mail 3

The last one has theses extra filters:

  • Email sent - equal to - mail 2
  • Email sent time - equal to - @Code(DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-25))
  • Email sent - not equal to - mail 3


I've set up 3 recurring emails

  • The first is sent to smartsearch 1 - starts at 10.00 and runs every hour
  • The second is sent to smartsearch 2 - starts at 10.20 and runs every hour
  • The third is sent to smartsearch 3 - starts at 10.40 and runs every hour

I successfully received the first mail at 10.00. At 10.20 I did not expect to get the second mail (because it was only 20 minutes since i received the first mail) - this worked as well. At 10.40 I did not recieve the third mail as well - perfect! When the second recurring mail ran at 11.20 I expected to get the second mail (because it was 1 hour and 20 minutes since I received the first mail) - but I did not :-( When I looked into the smartsearches in UserManagement the Users was right there in the second smartsearch - and in Scheduled tasks I could see that the second recurring email task had just run - at 11.20.

Has anyone set up something like this with the same issues?

Btw. - the solutions is a I've taken a look at bug fixes since then, but couldn't find any.


Rene Poulsen

And I didn't recieve the mail 2 again at 12.20 or 13.20 (when writing the above).


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