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Sosial Share functionality in DW - alternative to AddThis?

Hans Ravnsfjall


We have been using the Sosial Share plugin from AddThis, and it has some quite nice features with Statics etc. But since we have become aware of that the data on the users is being sold to 3rd party DataBrokers, we wan´t to find an alternative way of putting social share to our costumers websites?

Are there any standard functionalities for this in Dynamicweb (if yes, where can I read about it?) or har someone maybe switched to alternative services for similar reasons, or can somebody maybe reccomend any good services that don´t sell the userdata to 3rd party DataBrokers?



Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
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Well, since the entire business model of Social Media is selling all they know about you, it is not possible. You can always make a simple link to a new tweet, share on FB etc.

I.e. adding a tweet button: - same goes for all Social Media platforms - doing it like this will bypass add-this and others.

But again, adding the FB share button or Twitter buttons will make the same tracking - because that is what they do. Track you...

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Hans Ravnsfjall

Yes, offcourse I am aware that the business in share and social engagement is tracking and data - but I want to avoid the extra tracking from the middlemen (3rd party services like eg. AddThis).

I just thought there were some standard share tags in DW at one point, but that´s not the case?


I will look into building my own share buttons

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

We have share tags, but they also use addthis etc., so they are no help. Also these links change from time to time, so having them as tags is not good...


Morten Bengtson
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You can add pure HTML share buttons and provide the link parameters in your template. It's probably easier if you use Razor templates, so that you can ensure correct url encoding of those parameters (or use the UrlEncoded() tag extension).

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