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Item Creator and ItemList

Aki Ruuskanen


I have an Item with a field of type ItemList. The field of type ItemList is called "Rader"

When I try to get that Item to work with the Item Creator the ItemList field it does not render anything.

There is a tag called:


But it does not render anything. 

Can fields of type ItemList be used with Item Creator? If so how do I do it?

Regards / Aki





Hi Aki,

unfortunately, no... Fields of type ItemList are not supported yet by Item creator


Best regards,


Mikkel Toustrup Olsen

Hi Vladimir,

Is there any news regarding an item list rendering via the item creator module? I am facing a similar scenario where I have an item type that contains and item list of another item type in order for the user to add multiple entries of said type to a list dynamically from the frontend.



Hi Mikkel,

it still is not possible.

There was a discussion of the similar problem recently:

I hope this could be useful

Best regards,



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