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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Compression
Thomas Schroll


I'm trying to optimize a site according to google's recommendations. In management center I have the possibility to use gzip, but I don't know if I need to upload the gzip or the server will compress the files for me? Even if I upload the gzip and tick the gzip in management center I still get a warning in google's page speed analyzer. There also seems to be an issue with caching and dw's image handler.

Does anybody know how to optimize dw regarding speed? Is there some sort of guide to how I best setup dw?

Regards Thomas


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Thomas

When you enable gzip, it is only Default.aspx in the frontend - all your pages in Dynamicweb that gets gzipped.

If you need to enable gzip for static ressources, you need to get IIS setup for the purpose.

Regarding GetImage.ashx caching, take a look at this thread:

I'll have my QA take a look at the Google recommendations and see if we need to make some changes to Dynamicweb to be compliant with these guidelines.

BR Nicolai

Thomas Schroll

Great. Thanks Nicolai.

Regards Thomas


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