Posted on 19/03/2015 03:02:59
Hi Jonas
I've tested the issue on solution under last ( admin with multilanguage ecom as follows:
1. Use existing quickpay payment created in default ecom language with a card ('Visa' used) and appropriate templates selected;
2. Use a country created in the language and enable the payment via radio button as default withing the country-default methods-Payment;
3. Check the country of in the payment Country fees-Country;
4. Try to perform check-out via site with the country and language are set up in ecom settings - note that the payment method is shown and initially selected in Cart2-Information frontend, check-out can be done (OK);
5. Edit the payment settings (e.g. change 'Cancel' template in appropriate editor etc. or change other settings) and save - note that country in Country fees is still enabled properly (OK) ;
6. Go to the country and check settings in its default methods-Payment - note that the payment from step 2 is still edabled (OK)
7. Perform the step 4 - the same results as it was on step 4 (OK);
8. Use the country/method translated to a language not default, perform the steps 4-7 again - OK.
Please, comment if the scenario doesn't correspond to your one.
BR, Oleg, QA