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Default payment provider

Jonas Mersholm

Hi there.

I'm trying to make a checkout use the quickpay provider as default but cant get my head around how to do this the easiest.

For some reason it worked for a day, until i changed the "cancel" template on the Credit Card payment method, now it does not work any longer.


I have only one payment method in the management center, and the checkbox for "Use default if only one available" checked. But it just goes to the recepiet when i click checkout.

Any help is greatly appreciated.



Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Jonas

In MC, Ecommcer, Internationalisation, Countries, on your country, set the default delivery and payment method to the country you use as default.

On website settings, set the country to the same country and you are done.

Jonas Mersholm

Hi, thank you Nicolai.

I found the problem which i suspect is actually a bug.

Ive set up the settings as you described already, but after editing the payment provider, specifying a "cancel" template, the checkout skipped the payment-provider set as default. I figured that after changing the payment-provider in the management center the "Use as default" checkboxes in "country" settings are reset and therefor not used. 

I dont know if you already fixed this in a newer version, but there you go.

Thanks for the help.


Oleg Rodionov

Hi Jonas

I've tested the issue on solution under last ( admin with multilanguage ecom as follows:

1. Use existing quickpay payment created in default ecom language with a card ('Visa' used) and appropriate templates selected;

2. Use a country created in the language and enable the payment via radio button as default withing the country-default methods-Payment;

3. Check the country of in the payment Country fees-Country;

4. Try to perform check-out via site with the country and language are set up in ecom settings - note that the payment method is shown and initially selected in Cart2-Information frontend, check-out can be done (OK);

5. Edit the payment settings (e.g. change 'Cancel' template in appropriate editor etc. or change other settings) and save - note that country in Country fees is still enabled properly (OK) ;

6. Go to the country and check settings in its default methods-Payment  - note that the payment from step 2 is still edabled (OK)

7. Perform the step 4 - the same results as it was on step 4 (OK);

8. Use the country/method translated to a language not default, perform the steps 4-7 again - OK.


Please, comment if the scenario doesn't correspond to your one.

BR, Oleg, QA

Jonas Mersholm

Hi Oleg,

I think that since you have a checkbox/selectbox in the frontend, specifiying the payment provider this thing wont happen.

Try removing the selectbox frontend, and then only relying on the default payment provider to set in. This will work when you set the default cart on the country as in your step 2-3 and set that country on the website

Then try the checkout, it should go onto quickpay.

Now go in redo step 5. and try the checkout again.


Thanks for checking this out. I hope it's only a local thing haha!


Were working of from version: 


Oleg Rodionov


I've just re-tested the solution with base 'Cart2-Information' template provided by DW8 ( and has/don't have 'Payments' loop inside (payment cannot be selected) - still have good results, country default paymant method is launched during check-out successfulle after its template editing (OK).

BR, Oleg, QA 

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Jonas, Could you provide a link - or make a case in service desk - then we will have a look!


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