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Translations 8.4.1

Adrian Ursu

Hi Guys,

Can anyone explain how does the Translation.xml file is filled with translation keys?

Is it automatically? Should I fill it manually?

I have added a few translations in an existing template and the new strings are not available in the XML file.

If there is some way to trigger that, please let me know.



António Ramos

Hi Adrian,

The translation xml is filled when you set via backoffice the current translation for that key.

Best regards,

António Ramos

Adrian Ursu

Hi Antonio,

Thank you for your feedback. So no automatic filling based on the Translate tags from the Design files. Right?

In the HTML version, the translate file was populated based on the template content.

António Ramos

Hi Adrian,

Yes, i think so... But be aware that the global translates have a diferent system (i'm not 100% sure)...

Oh... another thing... The version 8.5.x have other translation system.

Glad to help,

Best regards,

António Ramos

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Adrian

Til translation files has never been filled automatically. Translations can come from multiple sources, so Dynamicweb does not know where to put them.

BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1
Adrian Ursu

Thanks a lot for the clarification.

It looks like I was missinformed.

Thanks a lot,



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