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Forum » CMS - Standard features » RE: Issue with data managment module from DW

RE: Issue with data managment module from DW

Luck Karssen


We have a strange issue with a form build with the data managment module from DW (version
It is a very simple form with one checkbox selection and five text inputs.

Now our customer tells us that they dont receive all requests done with this form (not in the CMS and not by mail).

They have given us some movies made by screenflow (a javascripts plugin) that indeed shows there customers filling in the form and pressing the send button.Some of them we can't find in the database.
We cant reproduce it, all our filled in forms get saved in the database.

Have any of you ever had this problem or does somebody have a tip where to look?
Maybe some whay to log whats happening in the module.

Hope to here from you guys.

Best regards,


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Luck

My guess would be it get caught by the antispam filter in Dynamicweb. If they do not see the receipt, that could be the case. It will get caught if the post contains something that looks like SQL or XSS etc. In MC, Web & Http, Security you can setup an email that gets notififed when that happens. Try to use that to see if anything gets caught. You can also disable the feature at that place.

Martijn Bokhove

Hi Nicolai

We have added the address to the antispam field, to see if something comes out.

Could the antispam function also protect the data being saved to the database? Because the filled in data that is not sended is also not visible in the datamanagement forms module.


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

When the form submits and the antispam filter is executed, it will return a 404 if it contains detected spam and will not store any form data.


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