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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Multi language version of Global:Paragraph.Content(2396)

Multi language version of Global:Paragraph.Content(2396)

Adrian Ursu


I have an issue with a multi-language website.
I want to list in a product list template, the content of a paragraph.

This works fine with <!--@Global:Paragraph.Content(2396)--> but if I change the language of the website, the content of the pargraph is not changed according to the language.

Is there any other tag or Razor script that I can use to accomplish this withour hardcoding the Area ID's?



Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Adrian

You can do something like this, getting the ID from the website settings or something:

<!--@Global:Paragraph.Content(<!--@ Area.Item.Setting-->)-->

The Global:Paragraph and the Global:Page tags are not handled as normal tags, but parsed in the end of the output - making this work, at least in theory.

BR Nicolai

Adrian Ursu

Well, I thought of that.

But this works only if I define an Area parameter for every case.

It looks like I am going to need a Razor function to return the correct paragraph content taking into consideration the language

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Adrian

You can do that using the Dynamicweb.Content.Paragraph class. Be aware of performance - consider caching the ID's.

Adrian Ursu

Hi Nicolai,

Tried it but it seems to do the same thing as RenderParagraph Content.

We'll probably create a function that will do it correctly.



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