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Multiple sender addresses in a multi-site solution

Adrian Ursu

Hi Guys,

I know that by default you can only have one SMTP setting per solution.

I have a customer that has several websites, each with its own domain.The customer requested that the emails should be sent from a different sender for each website.

Is there something I can do on the solution to "hijack" the send functionality?

Or maybe on the SMTP settings? Like a relay or alias?




Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

Hi Adrian,

Which module or mail sending feature does this apply to? I believe there are ways to set the From address in a hidden field in the template which may solve your roblem, but I guess it depends on the actual e-mail you're talking about.



Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Adrian

As Imar states, you can usually control the from address in each module. Dynamicweb falls back to the email in management center if none has been specified in the module, so just make sure to do that.

It is not possible to hook into the EmailHandler component and override behavior. Some modules have notifications that makes it possible to change the MailMessage object.


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