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Export / Import of complete site

Ben Doorn


How can we export a complete site from DW? And import it into an other DW instance, I noticed the "full export" option in the export popup. But this seems to be always disabled. 

Kind regards,



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Hi Ben,

I've looked into your question, and find out that there is no way to move complete site by full export/import. I was looking for reason why it is disabled and when it was enabled - full export fuctionality was added back at v 8.0 and since v 8.2 it was disabled by reason - Quote: "We disabled the functionality in the website as it's not possible to import a full website".

So, sorry for that inconvenience.


Best regards,

Viktor Letavin

DynamicWEB Software A/S, Russian team

Votes for this answer: 1
Ben Doorn

Hi Viktor,

Thanx for looking into this. I hoped the system could import / export a complete site. We need to move solutions from multiple databases into one database, I quess we need to figure out an other way to do this.

Kind regards,



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