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Delete item on paragraph

Dan Lundgren


When i delete an item that ive added as a paragraph, it doesnt delete the entry in the database.
Its removed from the admin backend, but is still there in the database.
Is it possible to delete items on paragraphs?
If so, is it some setting that i have missed somewhere?

Best regards


Oleg Rodionov

Hi, Dan

I've tested the following scenario on solution uses DW86 admin recently released and  SQL db:

Initial conditions:

There is an item type has simple text field and has setting to use that in page/paragraph/page properties. Using a module in the paragraph can be selected/unselected (checked the both conditions).. 

1. Create page based on the item type and regular one;

2. Create paragraphs within the pages;

3. Create sevearal copies of the paragraphs within each of the page;

4. Check the DB - appropriate records against the items used in the paragraphs/page exist(OK);

5. Delete specific paragraph in each of the page, check the DB - the related records are deleted (OK);

6. Delete several paragraphs multiselected in each of the page, check the DB - the related records are deleted (OK);

7. Delete the pages with rest pararaph(s), check the DB  - the related records (page+pararaphs+page properties) are deleted (OK);

8. Delete the item type in its definition - the appropriate table is deleted from DB (OK).


Does the scenario corespond to your one?

I've only faced with one another issue - records related to site uses an item type are not deleted after the site deleting, new TFS #16622 has been created.


BR, Oleg

Dan Lundgren

Hi Oleg.

I created an item as a paragraph on a page.
I deleted these paragraphs, they disappear from the dw admin, so it seems like the paragraph gets deleted from the DB.
It doesnt get deleted in the ItemType_value-table for some reason if i delete the paragraph.
I did some tests with new items now aswell, it seems that if i create a new item, and then save that item as a paragraph, it doesnt seem to save the iteminstancetype in the database.
It seems to insert an extra row aswell(see screenshot).

This makes me kind of confused, since ive been able to save item types before without any problems and remove them aswell if i remember correct.
Is there a hotfix for this?

Best regards



Dan Lundgren

Bumping this thread.

Is there any hotfix available for this?

Best regards


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