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DW 8.6 Password update

Anders Engelbøl

Hi DW,


Just read about your latest password updates with the 8.6 release, but i can't find code examples or min. templates for this new feature anywhere?


Alexander Gubenko

Hi Anders,

If you mean link feature. It only the new option in Extranet(extended) module.

1) create new paragraph with Extranet(extended) module
2) select option Show->Login
3) look to the "Login settings" section to change templates etc.

Anders Engelbøl

Hi Alexander,


It's not hard to figure out where to change the templates exactly, it's more a matter of finding the templates. The templates you see in the linked example is what I am looking for as a standard example of the new features for the Extranet module. But as you know, they don't accompany an uwpgrade od the DW system.

So, are there any repository out there where I can find these? I've checked the github repositories (, without any such luck.

Jonas Krarup Dam
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Anders,

We do not currently have a repository for the standard templates.

however, The templates for the standard example do accompany the upgrade of a DW system. 

I am guessing that your problem is this: they are only added to the template folder if you do not already have a template with the same name.

In this case, the template that has been added is found in the "Templates/UserManagement" folder, and is called "login.html".

If you have added a custom table with this filename, it is "blocking" for the template that we have added.

I have attached the new templates for login to this item. Hopefully this will let you move forward with your project :-)



Votes for this answer: 1
Anders Engelbøl

Thank you :) Exactly what I needed. We made an upgrade on an older solution, and by default the templates wasn't included of course.

Jonas Krarup Dam

That is strange - they should automatically be copied into the templates folder, as long as the files do not already exist. That is part of the update script that is run when upgrading a site.


I will doublecheck that it is working as intended :-)



I double checked.

When upgrading, the templates should be copied ot the folder "Templates\UserManagement\Login\" in the files folder.


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