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Leaving the page after making changes

Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

Hi there,

I have a page with an item list on it. When I make changes to the items and save them, but don't save the whole page and then navigate away, I get a message asking if I want to leave the page or stay on it. This is great and helps people remember to save their changes. However, even when I click Stay, I am moved away from the page anyway, losing all my changes. Bug? Running this on





Hi Imar,

Thank you for your appeal, we really appreciate it.

I've looked into this problem, but couldn't reproduce it - after clicking stay there is no redirection. Can you submit steps and site to reproduce if the problem still appears.

Best regards,
Viktor Letavin
DynamicWEB Software A/S, Russian team One
Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

Hi Viktor,

When you click another page in the Content Tree and click Stay on Page you are indeed not redirected away. But if you click another main menu item such as the Ecommerce menu, you are redirected away from the page and you lose your changes. Furthermore, when you click away to another page in the content tree a second time, not prompt appears. Here are the steps to reproduce:

Scenario 1 - new main menu item

1. Create  new page based on an item that has an Item List as one of the fields
2. Add a new item in the list and click Save and Close.
3. Click the Ecommerce main menu item. The prompt appears
4. Click Stay on Page. You are still redirected away to the Ecommerce Module.

Scenario 2 - other page in content tree

1. Create  new page based on an item that has an Item List as one of the fields
2. Add a new item in the list and click Save and Close.
3. Click another page in the tree. The prompt appears
4. Click Stay on Page. You stay on the page as expected.
5. Click another page in the tree. No prompt appears and you lose all your changes.

Hope this helps to figure out what's going on.



Hi Imar 

Thank you for your reply.

Accordingly to first scenario I've tried to reproduce it on 8.5.1 and on latest version and there is the same behavior like leaving to another page.

Accordingly to second scenario I was having a conversation with our team's core developer and he said that it is right behavior: by the way if you made changes and tried to leave prompt appears, if you choose stay and then make some new changes prompt will appear again if you will try to leave the page. As our team's core developer said: if user tried to leave the page and click stay and than tried to leave again than he wanted to leave and it was not accidental.

Thank you for helping us to make the system better, we really appreciate it.

Best regards,
Viktor Letavin
DynamicWEB Software A/S, Russian team One
Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

Hi Viktor,

Does this help to reproduce the issue:

It repoduces for me on Firefox (latest) and IE (latest). Haven't tested other browsers yet.



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