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Forum » Development » "Forgot password" question

"Forgot password" question

Dmitrij Jazel

Hej guys,

We are using Forgot password feature same as instructed here:


We noticed that somtimes. if user checks "forgot password" and requests his email, new random password that is beying generated and send in that email.

Fome reason, system would not accpe this password for this user. On random ocasions, can't give any better description. As sometimes it works sometimes it does not.

We are not sure why, wanted to know if anyone else had runned into/noticed simmilar issues?




Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

It sounds like the user is making a mistake.

You can easily check it out - if the password in the database coresponds with the one sent to the user. Unless you use encrypted passwords, of course.


Dmitrij Jazel

Hej Nicolai :)

Thanks for the tip, but we do keep it encrypted all the time.

Well I thought of the same (user mistake) but I actually had that problem myself. Was just wondering if anyone ever experienced anything simmilar.


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