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Forum » CMS - Standard features » How to set permissions on websites for back end users?

How to set permissions on websites for back end users?

Peter Leleulya

Hi there,

I hope anybody can help me, I'm a bit stuck on this.
I have a dynamicweb cms with 45+ websites at the moment.
These websites need to be managed by different back-end users and the idea is that they can't open/edit a website which is not assigned to them. Preferably them only seeing their own websites.

I assumed I could go to the website properties for each website, then click the permissions button in the header, select 'All' users and set permissions backend on deny, add a single user and set permissions backend to Allow.
I've set these settings on my test environment (with less websites), but this doesn't do what I expected it to do ... actually, I can't find anything changed.
With each back-end user I can still access and edit each website.

I tried searching the forum and documentation on this topic, but couldn't find anything on this topic but ...

Asger (former dw product owner) assured me this was possible, it would just need 'some configuration', so I didn't pay any attention to it until now ...

I hope anyone can guide me in the right direction.

Thank in advance,


PS, I use version at the moment


Lars Larsen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Peter

You can set the permissions you want if you in the backend clicks the Modules button at the bottom to the left. Then right click on the Website module and choose "Permissions". Then you can set the permissions you want.

Votes for this answer: 1
Peter Leleulya

Thank you Lars, this was very helpfull.
Seems the user type must be Default and not Administrator, or it won't be found.
I can proceed now ...


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