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Item publisher - query filtering

Nuno Aguiar



On the module ItemPublisher we can filter almost everything in Querystrings, the "almost" limitation being we can't filter "checkbox lists" (at least it's the only one we've encountered problems with querystring filtering so far).


Converting news to items, and using the categories as checkboxes, we loose the ability to filter by category if a news belongs to more than 1 category.


We tried applying the wildcard to the value with no luck.


Best Regards,




Mikkel Ricky

Just to make sure: You're using Query string filtering, right?

It turns out that our item query engine doesn't support filtering on list values – and simple ignores any criteria using list values!

I'll make a product backlog item for this and hopefully it will not be too hard to add support for filtering on list values.

Best regards,

Mikkel Ricky
This post has been marked as an answer

This is a bug (Bug 16413: Query string filtering does not support list values) and it is solved in Dynamicweb 8.6.

Best regards,

Votes for this answer: 1
Nuno Aguiar

Great, thanks.


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