I made a comment in another post her: http://developer.dynamicweb.com/forum/development/how-to-upload-file-with-itemcreator.aspx?DWPagingPageNum=2
But since that post is already marked as answered I guess it would be more correct to create a new post - so here we go:)
When using the ItemCreator I can allow a user to upload an image or select one already uploaded in the same folder. I got this working fine!
However - using the ItemPublisher I want to allow the users to edit the already created items, and I have a problem getting that working with the file upload.
Few notes from my former post:
Used the above for the ItemCreator without any problem - but how would I go about making the same functionality in the ItemPublisher edit instead?
@GetValue("ItemPublisher:Edit.Form") Gives me all the text fields which changes fine on a "Save Changes" and it also list the image chosen in a dropdown - however nothing changes if you change it "Nothing selected".
If I then instead use the ItemPublisher:Edit:Form.Begin and ItemPublisher:Edit:Form.End it seems I only have a loop for the images in the dropdownlist and not a list of all fields as I would expect?