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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Newsletter v3 - Avoid injection of the DW stylesheet

Newsletter v3 - Avoid injection of the DW stylesheet

Lars Larsen


I am creating a page based newsletter with the "Newsletter v3" module. The page is created with the Dynamicweb stylesheet (not Designs & Layouts). When the newletter is sent with the "Newsletter v3" module Dynamicweb injects all the styles from the Dynamicweb stylesheet into the e-mail newsletter. Is it possible to disable this feature and on the body tag I have a few attributtes (bgcolor, text,  link etc.) which Dynamicweb strips away in the e-mail! Is it possible to avoid this also? If so how is it done?



Lars Larsen


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Lars

I would recommend using designs and layouts and email marketing.

We will not be making changes to the old newsletter modules or the 6 year deprecated implementation model...

BR  Nicolai

Lars Larsen

Hi Nicolai

I see your point. But I was just wondering if there were an option that I could have overlooked. It would have been much faster to check an option instead of redoing the design using Designs & Layouts.

/Lars smiley 

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

There is no setting you have overlooked.

In management center, control panel, you have the newsletterv3 control panel. These are the settings available, if any.

BR Nicolai


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