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RE: Item Types and Workflow

Ian McKay

Has anybody experienced this issue before.

We are using items types and converted some of the strings to numbers which are then stored in the database. We are using this to link content together. This works fine during normal updating and CMS usage and creating new pages within the site. Except when workflow is used where the DW system converts our numbers back to strings when a user publishes a page via workflow. Is this a known issue?

Sorry for being a bit vague on this issue.




Mikkel Ricky

What are "the strings"? How and where do you see that Dynamicweb converts (your) numbers to strings?

Best regards,

Ian McKay
This post has been marked as an answer

Think I didn't explain myself fully in my initial post. Basically we are storing a string of numbers in the databse, these are created by selecting certain checkboxes in the item type template.

In the database these are stored as nvarchar(max) e.g 1169, 1170, 1171, 1172, etc. These numbers are used to tie item type content together in the front-end and used in searches.

When we use workflow at the point the document is published the data in the database seems to still be an nvarchar(max) field type but the content has been changed to 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String]' rather than our numbers.



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Mikkel Ricky

This is a bug in the serialization of item data into our versioning system which is used for workflows. We're working on general improvements to versioning of items and as a part of this we'll fix this serialization issue.

Best regards,

Mikkel Ricky

the bug has been solved by the implementation of Restore item type data ("trash bin" for item type data) which will be released in Dynamicweb 8.6.

Best regards,


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