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ProdCatalog combine filter with navigation

Dmitrij Jazel

Hi Guys,

I am trying to combine filters with Navigation, I am actually using Group filter.

And I have 2 levels of navigation in catalog structure so I have Parent level and Child level, easy as that :)


Products are populated only in children.


What I was surprised to see - is that if you navigate to group for example GroupID=Group1

Than ammount of @i2.GetString("Ecom:Group.TotalFormatted") regurns "0" as soon as I navigate to the ProdGroup, filters are not rendering data from that groups perspective.


Here is a filter code that can give you some idea of what I am trying to achieve here:

<div id="groups-filter" class="filterControls panel" >
    @foreach (LoopItem i in GetLoop("Ecom:Filters.Groups"))
        string groupURL = ""+"?GroupID="+i.GetString("Ecom:Group.ID");
            <li class="">
                <a href="@groupURL">@i.GetString("Ecom:Group.Name")</a>

@foreach (LoopItem i in GetLoop("Ecom:Filters.Groups"))
    string parentGroupID = i.GetString("Ecom:Group.ID");
    if (!alreadyRenderedChildren.Contains(parentGroupID))
        <div id="groups-filter" class="filterControls panel">

            @foreach (LoopItem i2 in i.GetLoop("Ecom:Group.ChildGroups"))
                string childGroupID = i2.GetString("Ecom:Group.ID");
                <li class="">
                    <input type="checkbox" id="@i2.GetString("Ecom:Group.ID")" name="@i2.GetString("Filters:Current.TagName")" value="@i2.GetString("Ecom:Group.ID")" @i2.GetString("Ecom:Group.CheckedState") />
                    <label for="@i2.GetString("Ecom:Group.ID")">

Any way I can make those filters render information depending on which group I navigated to?




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