I am playing around with the item field type: Item Relation List, and have a question on the fields exposed to my template within the loop resulting from this field.
Let's say I have an item type with a field of type Item Relation List.
The name of the field is 'Related_Items' - and it is pointing to page type items.
When looping through the items in Related_Items, how do I get the url of an item as it resides in my page tree?
I would expect something like:
@foreach (LoopItem i in GetLoop("Item.Related_Items")){ @i.GetValue("Item.Related_Items.Url") }
.. similar to what we can do in an ItemPublisher template, where field 'Url' points to the item page and field 'DetailsUrl' points to the item details view as defined by the selected details template.
But for item relation lists I apparently only have the field 'DetailsUrl', which points to the current page with an added parameter.
Eg: /Default.aspx?ID=6&itemId=ItemType:3
.. which to me doesn't make much sense, as we do not have a details view
Am I missing something?
I didn't find any documentation on Item Relation Lists
Best regards