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phone number autocomplete checkout form

Martin Kure


I'm using the function infoDirectRequest() to auto-complete checkout form in webshop - a very nice feature btw.

With this feature enabled, the customed can autocomplete the check out form by typing in their phonenumber.

This works really well.

However the phonenumber isn't being auto-completed in the form. 

It's just weird, that the customer fills out the form number and retrieves all the info, then again in the form he has to re-type the phone-number over again.

Is there a way to make the phonenumber a part of the auto-complete.






Per Søgaard

I would very much like an answer to the above also...

BR Per Søgaard

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Per

The phone number will be on the order. Either on the Ecom:Order.Customer.Phone or on the Ecom:Order.Customer.Cell field depending on what infodirect returns. So maybe you are using the phone field, and you lookup using a mobile phone number and it gets rendered into the cell field.

You can fix this by changing the JS that starts the infodirect lookup by adding the phone number to the "customerPhone" field which is used for infodirekt and put the value into the phone field.


Martin Kure

Hi Nicolai,

That seems to do the trick for cell phones, but now land lines doesn't work. Is it really either land lines or cell phones? Is there a way to make it worth both ways?






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