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Item publisher product type

Thomas Schroll


I'm trying to show related products to an item. I have a product item field in my item where I've attached som products. I'm showing the list of items with the item publisher module. I have the following in my template:

<div class="products">
  <h3>Relaterede produkter</h3>
  @foreach(var list in GetLoop("ItemPublisher:Items.List")){
    foreach(var product in list.GetLoop("ItemPublisher:Item.Products")){
        <a href='@product.GetString("Ecom:Product.ImageLarge.Clean")' title='@product.GetString("Ecom:Product.Name")' class="thumbnail product-image-zoomed" data-target="#productImagesSlider">
          <img src='/Admin/Public/getimage.ashx?Image=@product.GetString("Ecom:Product.ImageLarge.Clean")&amp;Width=100' alt="" data-full-image='@product.GetString("Ecom:Product.ImageLarge.Clean")'>
      <h5><a href="productlist?ProductID=@product.GetString("Ecom:Product.ID")" title='@product.GetString("Ecom:Product.Name")'>@product.GetString("Ecom:Product.Name")</a></h5>

The problem is that all products from ALL items get shown under EVERY item in the list of items.

Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong?

Regards Thomas




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