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Forum » CMS - Standard features » RE: cant edit or delete scheduled tasks

RE: cant edit or delete scheduled tasks

Keld Gøtterup

Im having problems with not being able to edit or remove any scheduled task ive created. This a server located at the customer so im guessing there is something wrong in the server setup.
can anybody enlighten med as to where to look?


Jonas Mersholm

Do you recieve any errors, what so ever? :)

Keld Gøtterup

nope it just doesnt do anything

Jonas Mersholm

Sounds to me like a wrong ID or something. Probably from the SQl

Have you checked the ScheduledTask table - Perhaps there is a empty record or something like that?


Also. What version are your client running? Have you checked the bug-list for the current version, and ensured that the error is not a version-bug?



Jonas Mersholm

Keld Gøtterup

Doesn't seem like there is any problem in the table.

Its running version but i highly doubt that this is a version specific bug, we have copies of this solution on other servers where there is no problems in editing or removing the tasks.

But for some reason this servers can't.


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