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Custom user group fields?

Mikkel Toustrup Olsen

Hello all,

I am familiar with the custom user fields in the User Management, however in my case I would like to link a user group, which is being displayed on the maps module to a specific page.

As the user gorup repesents a department i would love to add a link to its info "bubble" - so you're able to redirect to its department page.

Isn't this possible?




Jonas Mersholm

Can't you add info to the user-group, ( making a department usergroup for all departments ) and use 

1) One of the group fields to hold the url

2) Use the UserManagement:Group.DefaultUrl 


Mikkel Ricky

Just to clarify: Are you listing users or groups on your map?

If you're listing groups, then my best (in the sense least bad) suggestion is to hijack one of the built-in group fields and use that field for the custom group url. All group information fields are available for use in a Maps module template.

Best regards,


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