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Format thousand seperator in DW 7

Jonas Mersholm

We have an old solution running DW 7 ( )

A list of squaremeters are listed, and the customer would like those to be delimited by thousands. I've found a "Format" tag, but it doesent work ( I quess its because of the version )


What are the options in DW 7, besides javascript?


This is the tag



I've tried





Jonas Mersholm


Mikkel Ricky
This post has been marked as an answer

I would go for the JavaScript solution because it's pretty easy to implement.

However, there are a few alternatives:

  1. If it's custom solution, you can use ProductTemplateExtender to format the value
  2. Use an xslt template in your product catalog and format the values using xslt tricks

I still vote for using JavaScript …

Best regards,

Votes for this answer: 1
Lars Larsen

Another possibility is to code a tag extension. It's very simple to do and very powerfull smiley

Ups..... didn't see at first that you'r using DW7! I'm not sure that DW7 supports tag extensions!


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