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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Maps module
Thomas Schroll


I'm working on a website where the map is the footer. Instead of placing the module on every page, I'm trying to include the footer with @RenderPageContent("footerPageID"). I can see information about the user but the map is not rendered. If I place the module on the page (not footer), the map also shows in the footer.

Does anybody have an idea for a solution or an idea to where I can find the error?

Regards Thomas


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Thomas

You would have to use the javascript console to see what is happening. It is 'just' a Google maps javascript doing some stuff, so check if errors occurs.

Map in the footer on every page... Hm, does that makes any sense? Or does it just looks nice?

Thomas Schroll

Hi Nicolai

Thanks. I don't get any errors, but if there's no structural dw problems inserting the map that way, I will go through the code again and look for the problem.

In this case it makes sence. One of the main goals of the website is to show partners and their location in the area. Instead of placing a link on every page to the map, we are placing the map in the footer with a link to the map (page where the map is inserted with lists of partners). I hope to show the customer's info on the map instead of the address as nomally seen in the footer of webpages.

Regards Thomas

Thomas Schroll


I contacted support at as it turns out, it is not possible to insert the map with @RenderPageContent.

Does anybody know a workaround besides inserting the module on every page or using iframe?

Regards Thomas

Mikkel Ricky

@RenderPageContent does not include the Stylesheet and JavaScript selected in the general module settings. To work around this you have to manually add something like this 

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/Files/Templates/Maps/stylesheets/Maps.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/Files/Templates/Maps/javascripts/Maps.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//;sensor=false"></script>

in your Maps template.

Best regards,


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