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Editor configuration for Item Types Rich text field

Adrian Ursu

Hi Guys,

I tried to use a custom configuration for editor in a RIch text Filed of an Item type.

Unfortunately the select does not list my Editor Configurations.

I am using Is there a bug or I need to do something else in order to enable this selection?




Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

No known bugs.

Simply place a .js in the \Files\System\Editor\ckeditor\config folder

Adrian Ursu



I have 2 editor configurations defined in the database (Default and another one) and 5 configurations defined as .js files (I believe they came default with the standard installation).

Unfortunately I don't see any of them in the dropdown for selecting editor configuration in the ItemType field parameters (for RichText option)

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Adrian

In MC, Editing you create editor configurations. You can do that in 2 ways - selecting one of .js files or by configuring which buttons you want enabled. And you swicth between these 2 ways on the "Configuration Source" radio button.


Adrian Ursu

Hi Nicolai,

I already did that. But in the ItemType field Parameters (for RichText Editor), the configurations only appears if I choose the Custom Editor Type (not the default one).

So only the configurations defined in the database, and not the ones defined as .js

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Adrian

The .js files need a record in the database as well. When you create a configuration, you can select the js file...


Adrian Ursu

I cannot select a .js file for a new Configuration. I can only check some options that are later saved in the database as an XML structure.

MC/Editing/Editor Configurations.

When I use Provider Based Editor, the editor configurations I have defined, are shown in the Item Type parameters. But all the Rich Text fields in the Item Types (previously defined) are not displaying any HTML Editor

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Adrian

The .js files are what you used when using the new editor - you can see that here:

You can only use editor configurations with items when using the provider based editor.

So make sure you use provider based editors, delete your browsers cache, and try again. Otherwise we have to see the solution.


Adrian Ursu

Thanks a lot for the info. I know how to add configurations but I did not know that the Item Type is limited to Provider Based Editor configurations.

I'll try again with cache delete.




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