Does anyone know where to find documentation about the syntax of the script option for table mappings within the Integration Module. I can define constant values, but now I want to enter the date of today as the "constant" value.
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Script syntax table mapping
Hi Ben,
Currently, it is only possible to use the three options,"append","prepend" or "constant".
If this is a feature you absolutely need, let me know, and I'll add it as a feature request, and get it implemented as soon as we can.
Regards, Jonas
What would be really great is to have three additional options:
1. Inline script - this would work similar to how the dynamic values in Items work to insert things like a date or maybe even the value of a source column combined with something else (e.g. @OrderID + "Suffix" + @DateTime.Now would grab the OrderID column, and add Suffix and the current date to it.)
2. A custom field converter that you can select from a drop down (and that would be found by the extensibility API automatically). That converter would implement something like override ProcessInputField and could look like this:
public override ProcessInputField(object input, object output) { }
Inside the ProcessInputField I can access the source column and do whatever I want to update the output. Instead of a simple Object, this method could receive a richer structure for input and output that besides the field value also exposes column meta data.
3. A custom row converter that you can select from a drop down (and that would be found by the extensibility API automatically). That converter would implement something like override ProcessInputRow and could look like this:
public override ProcessInputRow(Dictionary<string, object> input, Dictionary<string, object> output) { }
Inside the ProcessInputRow I can access source columns from the dictionary and do whatever I want to update the output. This task would run for the whole row, possibly after the internal mapping has been completed. Instead of a <string, object>, the dictionary could expose richer types that would provide additional column meta data.
For some inspiration, take a look at how SQL Server Integration Services performs Script Transforms:
Due to the name script in the dialog I assumed it was possible to write some script calculate the "constant" value. For the moment I can work without it, and used a constant values instead of the current date. For this purpose (importing direct path records) this is no problem. But I really like the sugestions Imar has written in his post, this will make the module much more flexible and in a lot of situations takes away the need to write custom source and destination providers.
Kind regards,
Hi Ben and Imar,
Thanks for the feedback - I'll add it to the feature queue, and try to get it included in an upcomming release - probably either 8.5.1 or 8.6.
Regards, Jonas
Great, thanks, and please let me know if you need more input or want to discuss this further.
That would be great. Thanx.
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