Posted on 14/08/2014 09:55:09
We have been discussion the possiblity of including item types in other item types, and I assume this is basically what you want to do. Just to be sure, allow me to give an example of what we're thinking of:
First we create an item type called Address and add item fields Street, Zip code, City, Country. The we create a Person item type, add fields Name and Birthday and include the item type Address. The result will be that Person has its own fields (Name, Birthday) plus the fields from the Address item type.
In Dynamicweb 8.5 we'll introduce item type inheritance. This will make it possible to create a base item type, Person, say, and extend (inherit) this item type to create an Employee item type (with a Department field). An Employee will then inhererit all fields from Person and can have its own fields as well (Department). This is somewhat related to including an item, but still something completely different.
Best regards,