When you add Item filters to itempublisher you may need sometimes to have more than one filter value, like:
Filter by "city", "country", "age".
You then want to use dynamic filters using @Request(city) for instance.
Since it is a style where you need all filters to be a hit, you set the filters to use AND. Here the problem occurs..:
Say the user first choose "city=aarhus", then it will turn into a filter:
To be a hit an item need to have city="aarhus", "country='empty'" and "age='empty'", which means that no items will be found (as normally each field have a value).
My request is: Add a new dynamic parameter something like:
It will then only use the filter if the parameter is NOT empty.
Med venlig hilsen/Best regards,
Sten Hougaard
E: sho@1stweb.dk
M: 29850818
A: København/Aarhus . W: www.1stweb.dk
@: netsi1964