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Link to item property

Lars Larsen


When creating an itemtype field of type "Link to item" it would be so nice if it was possible to add a property for which area and where in that areas pagetree the user shoud see when clicking the "Internal link" icon for the field control (see attached file). This feature would make it much easier for the editor to pick the right item(s).



Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

If instead of using a link to item, youse a dropdown list that populates a list of items, you can limit the list of items to a specific part of the tree. See dump.

A note: Some of the settings you see are part of 8.5


Lars Larsen

Yea, you're right that is a possibility. But if the item that is picked using the "Link to item" field control is part of a treestructure, then this is not reflected in a dropdownlistbox where all options are shown in just one level. The dropdownlistbox is fine if it won't contain that many options. But if it contains many options and the options are part of a treestructure (eg. an organisation tree) then I think its not a good choice.

Mikkel Ricky

One thing to keep in mind with item type definitions are that they (in a perfect world) should be independent of the content, i.e. they should not have references to specific websites and/or pages, say. If you move an item type to another solution then you'll have to change the item type to make it work with other websites/pages. I know that item types do have references to websites in the Restrictions and other places, but that's another story …

In Dynamicweb 8.5 we'll introduce a new item field type, Item relation list (or whatever the final name will be), where you can add a list of references to other items of a specific type.

It could make sense to add an item type settings to the Link to item field to force selection of a specific item type. Will that solve (some of) your challenge?

Best regards,


Lars Larsen

The feature you describe Mikkel will be very usefull. I will look forward to that smiley

But my request is about the missing ability to control what website and where in that website (path) it should open when the editor clicks the Intenal Link control (see attachment). In the screenshot the editor clicks the Internal Link button and a new window opens. But this window shows the website "AC Kellersvej" and the editor is at the moment working in the website "GX2014 Kopi". The items which the editor needs to link to are placed in the website "GX2013 Kopi" so now the editor has to change website in the popup window and navigate to the place in the pagestructure where the items he/she wants are. It would be nice if one could set a property on the Link to item field and in that way tell the Internal Link control where to open (website and place in pagestructure) when clicked.
